32,000 Vehicles
During the peak of summer, there are roughly 32,000 vehicles on the island.[1] The majority of which are registered on-island.[2] Close to two vehicle for every man, woman, and child who lives here year-round.
1.4M Ferry Passengers
In 2018, the combined ferry services transported 1.4 million passengers to and from the island with over one-third of this activity taking place in July and August.[3]
- Incentivize people to use alternative transportation
- Strengthen the network of buses to off-site parking lots; make accessing public transportation frictionless
- Complete bike paths and sidewalk projects in high-traffic areas
- Enforce downtown parking and loading zone limits to ensure greater turnover and smoother deliveries
- Introduce and make use of vehicle limited zones
- Shared mobility and other technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way visitors and islanders traverse the island safely and cleanly in the near-to-mid term
[1] Nantucket Data Platform, Dreamland Presentation, Aug 2019. [2] Town of Nantucket [3] Steamship, Hy-Line, Freedom, Seastreak.